Pre School Classes
One of the activities we did was to paint with yarn. We dipped and dragged pieces of yarn through paint and then transferred the paint to our paper in that way.
Some really enjoyed the tactile approach of using their hands and fingers. It was really interesting to see how the students used the supplies provided.
This was the other project. We glued yarn pieces to a background and then attached the cutout over. This was a huge hit! Most of the students made multiples. This was also a good project to practice cutting, following directions and color placement.
The student who created this beautiful piece of art, decided that the frame needed more texture. Such a great idea!
This student was very precise in her yarn placement. Each child approached both the projects differently and had fabulous results.
Here, the student is using his yarn in a pile to paint big swaths of color.
All green!
See the texture in this one? Many strips of yarn were added on top of each other to create this three dimensional artwork - this took quite a bit of time and patience.
Even the adults enjoyed this project!!
I have recently started teaching two classes for the Palo Alto Art Center. I teach a preschool class and an elementary/middle school age class - both in fiber arts. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of teaching pre-schoolers. These students were between the ages of three and five years old and were a delight to have in class. They were attentive, curious and excited. I couldn't have asked for better!